A very rare configuration of minerals and energies, found in one form of rock, we call a “Stargate Stone“. Found only in Northern Arkansas in the USA and Australia (as far as we have determined thus far), these stones have a very potent energy, that for us and others, have opened up portals of energy or “Stargates“. This "Stargate" term relates to time and space of the practitioner, in the Light and Love, that cannot be easily understood with the limitations of words. It must be experienced, uniquely, by each person. As more of these are dispersed around the world, the more extensive the transformational bridge that brings “Us“ all together in the Light and Love that is “Us”.


These stones TRULY have unique personalities, and love attention and care. They share joy and are fun loving stones. They may not be as colorful as others visually, often black and white, but you can be assured their energies are as lively or more as many others you will hold or see.


The main reason these are offered now, is for seeding the planet with these beautiful energy rocks that deal with time and space.



Thank you for the honor of allowing “Us” to share.

Information from geologists at the University of Arkansas have passed on information as follows regarding "turtle rocks":

These rocks are called "turtle rocks" because they resemble the shells of turtles. The exact processes that create “turtle rocks” are poorly understood. One explanation involves spheroidal weathering. This process occurs when water, percolating through cracks and between individual grains in the rock, loosens and separates layers of the rock. The weathering acts more rapidly on the corners and edges of the rock producing a rounded shape. The weathering of the rocks is also strongly influenced by the polygonal joint pattern seen in all “turtle rocks”.

Septarian concretions, which may vary in size, are characterized by an irregular polygonal pattern of cracks that are filled or partly filled by crystalline minerals, usually calcite. Its origin involves the formation of an aluminous gel, case hardening of the exterior, shrinkage cracking due to dehydration of the colloidal mass in the interior, and vein filling (Glossary of Geology, 1987). Concretions of this type are present in the Fayetteville Formation in northern Arkansas.

Pseudofossils: There are many features in rocks that appear to be fossils when they are really not. Such features or rocks are called pseudofossils - a natural object, structure or mineral of inorganic origin that may resemble or be mistaken for a fossil (Glossary of Geology, 1989). The "turtle rock" is one of those examples.